About Us

Our team is loaded with award-winning writers, cartoonists, and content marketers. 

We draw cartoons even when we should not be drawing cartoons. 

We are based a wee-bit north of Portland. We are here because our accountant is quite convincing. 

Our executive team is very attractive. 


Creative Director

He's a veteran Creative Director. He's a writer, designer, and strategist. He leads the creative process on each and every project.
Steve enjoys pants. 


Director of Animation

Rich is funnier than the rest of us. He’s a syndicated cartoonist and an award-winning animator. He also holds the world record for largest spleen. 


Lead Writer

Augi is a graduate of The Second City conservatory and was given 2 demerits in 1992 for swearing too loudly in a telemarketing center. Never ask him for advice on what to do in Thailand.

We have over 30 years experience planning, developing, and perfecting content campaigns. 

We love our Nespresso machine, our Wacom Cintiqs, and our big-ass whiteboard.

(oh, and our kids) 

Our favorite question:
How do you come up with this stuff?

Our Process

Developing a branded cartoon for your blog and social media is not as simple as doodling a panel with a punchline. It requires the same purposeful, strategic thought as any other marketing endeavor. 

1. Listen and understand you audience.
2. Define editorial strategy and objectives.
3. Develop the characters and storylines that match the above.
4. Publish across all available channels.
5. Promote to existing base.
6. Analyze the results and provide feedback.
7. Optimize like angry little hedgehogs.